Saturday, March 7, 2015

Eight Legged Freaks - Part 1

Yeah... I stole the title from that terrible movie... terrible terrible movie.
Moving on...

If you know me personally you know my irrational fear of spiders.  I have recently come to be able to kill the small ones... when I absolutely have to, but those big ones... no no no.
Yesterday I saw two small red spiders in my bathroom.  First was in the morning while I was about to step into the shower.  I promptly called the hubby in to get it.  Then I get home from work and go in there to do my business, low and behold... there is another hanging from the shower door.  Two things go through my mind.  First:  Did the hubby actually get that first one?  Or did it scurry away and he just told me he did.  Second:  Omg we have an infestation and I must call the Orkin guy asap.
Of course I can't get it while its alive.  I don't have any bug spray... so I grab the next best thing.  Hairspray.  I sprayed him down... probably over did it just a tiny bit.  Then while he was suffocating and stuck to the shower door I un wound half a roll of toilet paper - just to be sure I didn't touch it in anyway possible - got the spider and promptly flushed it.  Now I could relax... unless there was more... what if one crawled on me while I slept... what if tonight is one of the nights I eat one of the average of 13 spiders you eat in your life while you sleep?

These eight legged freaks dictate my life sometimes...
I walk into every room and do the spider check, not obnoxiously, but just casually scan the room walls, ceilings and dark places for presence of spiders.
I don't move things outside or in the garage for fear of a spider being under it.
If I leave for work early or come home late (I have odd hours) I walk onto my front porch with my jacket in front of my face so I wont walk through a spider web and have it on me.  I HATE that feeling.  Every time I walk through a spider web I immediately turn into a ninja fighting an invisible villain (imagine crazy flailing and such).  While I was young I only had a few encounters with spiders, but as soon as I met my husband they seemed to increase... its like he likes them... or they like him O_o.  But really I know it was just because I was used to living in a rural area where bugs and such are kept under control.  When we got together we lived out in the middle of nowhere.

So last night I of course had to Google and find out what kind of spider it was.  I am convinced all spiders are poisonous and will bite me or my kids in our sleep.
I am searching the pics and trying to find the one that looks similar, a feat that took a long time for me to do without freaking out.  My arachnophobia was so bad I couldn't even look at pictures of them on the computer screen without my pulse jumping up a few notches.  I am still squeamish... but at least I can do that now.

I come across a few pest control sites that pretty much all say the same thing.  But then I come across this blog.  First of all her post about her spider encounter was effing hilarious and I almost woke my husband up I was laughing so hard.  But it was one particular comment that made me go... w. t. f.

(link lost - boohoo!)

Wow... she had pet wood spiders?  Ugh, I just shuddered at the thought of that.  Those things are creepy, and they move 100 miles an hour.  Not really, its more like 1.7 feet per second... per SECOND!
She actually buried the spider... are you freaking kidding me?!

Hey if you love spiders then you can have them all.  I just can't do it.  They. Must. Die.
Spider spray, shoes, hairspray and a lighter, shotgun... whatever means possible.

Although I do like the web-controlling mini-bot idea from NotThatGreg... maybe someone could build me one of those.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Mouthwatering Mondays 3/3

Do you love Bacon?  Who doesn't?
Do you love chocolate?  At least one week a month!
Do you love cheese danishes?  You have got to try one!
Do you love sweet and salty combinations?  Slaps you!

I bring to you the Mocha Latte Bacon Danish!

20 minute prep - 45 minute total - makes 8

Stuff you need:
6 oz cream cheese, softened
1/4 cup powdered sugar
*Mouth Waters*
1 can refrigerated big and flaky crescent dinner rolls
1 egg, beaten
6 slices of bacon, chopped
1/2 cup chocolate Hazelnut spread (Nutella or Jif)
2 tsp instant espresso powder
Parchment paper

Heat oven to 350.  Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.
Beat cream cheese and powdered sugar in a medium bowl until smooth.
Remove dough from can and DO NOT unroll.  Cut into 8 slices.
Place cut side down 2 inches apart on cookie sheet. Press each slice into 3-inch round.
Press 1 1/2-inch-wide indentation in center of each round.
Spoon 1 1/2 tablespoons cream cheese mixture into each indentation.
Brush edges with beaten egg.
Bake 15-20 minutes until golden brown.
While the danishes are baking crisp up your bacon in a pan (or just get some ready bacon and heat up in the microwave.)
Let the danishes cool for 10 minutes.
In small microwavable bowl, mix chocolate hazelnut spread and espresso powder.
Microwave on High 30 seconds; stir.
Drizzle over rolls.
Sprinkle with bacon.


The crispy and flaky crust, soft cheese, drizzle of sweet mocha and hint of salty bacon make this insanely delicious for any palette!

Sunday, March 1, 2015


It's a new month, a new year and time to revamp this old blog.

I suppose every blogger must do the intro post... well, maybe not every blogger.  But I figured "why not?".
So lets do this.

I am a woman (in case the pretty pink background may have had you wondering).
Married for five years to a wonderful man whom I met at work and have been with for ten.  We have three children together.  Hailey is the oldest.  She is 5.  She is my sensitive one.  Super nice, unless she wants a toy from her siblings, always huggy.  Emily is the middle child.  At 3 years old, she is much more advanced at this age than her sister was.  Partly because she has Hailey to follow and learn from.  She is my lovey one.  Always wants to be beside my husband and I.  Gives lots of hugs and kisses.  We finally had a boy October 2012 and named him Austin.  He is coming out of his shell and developing his very own personality and character.
Enough about the kiddos...

My name is Sashell.  I am going to be celebrating my 4th annual 29th birthday later this year.  I am in love with both the beach and the woods.  I love being on the beach, but hate the sand.  I love being in the woods but hate spiders.

Eeeeewwwwww, spiders.  They terrify me.  Almost paralyzingly scary.
And unfortunately here in Florida, spiders are everywhere.  My least favorite are wood spiders... Blech.  Those were the ones used in the movie Arachnophobia.
They are HUGE... and I mean huge.  I have seen some as big as cds (or dvds - since cds are almost as extinct as the cassette tape).

I work.  I used make coffee for uppity moms and trendy teenagers.  All day it was either "I need an Iced, Quad, Nonfat, No whip, No foam, 2 pump White Mocha with cinnamon sprinkle and extra caramel" or one of my favorites, "Can I get a Large Mocha Frappe?".  Nope, but you can have a 'Venti Mocha Frappucino' because that is what we sell.  This isn't McDonald's.  Now here's your 1000 calorie drink and don't tell your mom you spent $5 on it because she will be furious.
I also work for a grocery store chain here in the south.  Been there since 1999.  Took a year off to be a stay at home mom, but I couldn't handle the daily chaos all day and I needed... yes NEEDED to go back to work :)

I am a crafter.  Check out my Facebook page. I started scrap-booking ages ago.  It is a fun hobby, but extremely time consuming and without a spot where I can keep stuff out at all times, it takes forever to get started and clean up.  I still like to do it when I have time... which is almost never.
A friend introduced me to cake pops in 2011.  I thought, 'I can so make those' and I did.  They were a disaster.  But after a couple practice runs and endless searching on Google I tweaked my recipes and chocolate manipulation skills to get everything just right.  Friends and coworkers were asking me to make them for parties and events all the time so I thought I might start my own business and make them to sell.
Hence, Siders Country was born.  I was focusing mainly on hair bows and assumed they would be the biggest seller... but nope.  Cake pops were a hit.  Mainly because of Bakerella's appearance on the Martha Stewart Show.  She rocks, both of those ladies actually.  Anywho, I offer a bunch of stuff over there, you should check it out!

I have two dogs.  I used to drive a lifted truck.  It was such a pain with three kids.  I pretty much had to overhand toss them into their carseats.  I sold it and got a Dodge Durango for the time being.  Until the kids get bigger and can climb a ladder themselves.
This would do just fine!!

I will do a couple of things religiously.
Saturday is Spider Saturday.
Monday is Mouthwatering Mondays
Wednesday I will do a clipping collection.  A bunch of important current events mushed together in one post.  A lot to talk about, but not a lot to say about each topic.
Other days.... meh, if I get a chance to post, then yay!  If not, get over it :)

That pretty much sums it up.  Thanks for reading!
I hope you follow me for random opinions and rants, shameless advertising of my own work and fun content.